Karisa Oscar
Roblox platform icon
A blue shirt with a black and white heart on it wi
A blue shirt with a black and white heart on it wi
Roblox platform icon
A blue shirt with a black and white heart on it wi
A blue shirt with a black and white heart on it wi
Roblox platform icon
A blue shirt with a black and white heart on it wi
A blue shirt with a black and white heart on it wi
Roblox platform icon
A blue shirt with a black and white heart on it wi
A blue shirt with a black and white heart on it wi
Roblox platform icon
Black and White vest
Black and White vest
Roblox platform icon
white suit with black vest
white suit with black vest
Roblox platform icon
Dark aesthetic outfit
Dark aesthetic outfit
Roblox platform icon
Ripped Jeans and Short Top yellow with pictures
Ripped Jeans and Short Top yellow with pictures
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